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Donations of $2 or more to Saltpillar are tax deductible.
Saltpillar Theatre is a not-for-profit, self funded organisation. We seek advertising support in our printed programs for each show. In order to grow and to keep improving the quality of our productions, we welcome any financial assistance that you care to offer.
Saltpillar Theatre Inc.
Bank: NAB BSB: 083 004 Account: 12 032 0308
Please put your name in reference section & email details of your donation
to so we can issue a tax receipt.
Please make cheques out to Saltpillar Theatre.
Please post to:
Saltpillar Theatre
PO Box 1063 Caulfield North VIC 3161
I want to make a donation of :
For a Donation of $ your credit card will be charged the following fee by our provider :
Master Card/ Visa Card :
Fee: $
Total: $
American Express :
Fee: $
Total: $
My Details:
Card Details:

Last 3 numbers on the back of Visa/MC or 4 numbers on front of Amex
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